Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Fairy Tale of Hope

Once upon a time in the Piney Woods, a fair maiden was born. She was of good stock, of the line of King Charles the Cavalier. Her mother was Mistress Bunny and her father the brave Sir Baxter. She was born with beautiful red and ivory locks. But alas, the wee maiden sustained an injury at birth, leaving her mother wondering if she would survive. Part of her skin with the beautiful red and ivory locks was missing from the top of her fair head. Her mother christened her with the name “Bright Hope” in anticipation that she would survive and have a wonderful future in the Piney Woods.

And Bright Hope did survive and thrive in the kingdom of the Piney Woods! She grew up with four robust half brothers as her playmates. Three of the brothers moved from the Piney Woods to kingdoms of their own, but the one brother stayed to be her playmate and confidant. He was a brave, daring young lad known as Trail Blazer, but his close friends called him Scout. 

Life continued for about a year and a half as the two youngsters grew and learned their lessons. In the spring of their second year they went to the far away kingdom of the learned doctors. There it was found that the young lass had a medical condition which would prevent her from staying in the Piney Woods to produce heirs for the kingdom.

Bright Hope didn’t know what to think of this news, but her mother assured her that all would be well and she must be brave and hopeful.

A few months later visitors arrived from a far away country. Hope met these visitors with much joy and anticipation. The visitors fell in love with Bright Hope and wanted to take her home. But alas, they had plans to travel to another land, but promised to return for Hope. 

She waited with eager anticipation for the day to arrive when her new family would take her to their own palace and they would live happily ever after in the kingdom of the Sea.
"I am your humble servant"
The maiden, Bright Hope


Friday, June 24, 2011

Cavapoos-Five Weeks Old

wEll, gEusS WhaT?! Our "PeOpLE"moM Said WE couLd rIte tHis WEeKS BloG! SO, cEnTS I'M thE LEadEr of tHE paCk, I'M n chArGe HErE! I Am The bLacK GiRL.

oUR "doG" MoM DoeSn't LikE 2 hAnG ouT WITh us aS mUCh aNY moRE. ShE KeEps cRAwliNg ouT of OuR Pin. But We StiLL liKe 2 DriNk HeR miLK. WE hAve sTartED to Try heR cRunChy fOoD In HER disH tOo. SomETimeS we Even Git In THe Dish & sPilL it!

OuR "PeoPle" mOM WeiGHed Us ToDay....I AM thE BiGgESt! ANd sHe trImMed oUr tOeNaiLS....aGain! *siGh* AnD ShE gaVe Us Mor MEDiciNe, So WE wOn't HAve sOmeTHing caLLeD wOrms...YuK! sHE tOok MOre PICturEs 2. SHe's ALWays tAKiNg PIctures. I thINk i am tHe cuTEst!! SHe saYs WE R GiTTing More INDepeNdant aNd wE BaRK aND pLay moRE.
ThIS iS wHat wE caLl "mOUth wRestLinG"

my bRotheR cHEcking ouT a tOy

my LiL siS tRyINg moM's fOOd. Oh! ANd C tHAt gReen & wHitE tHiNG? THAT's WherE wE gO pOtty, aND we'Re pRettY Good ABouT iT 2.

tHat's ME & mY bRO cHEckiNg oUT suM ToYs

GRrrR! MY brOTheR thinKs he's TuFf pLayinG tuG o' wAR

heRe i aM aTTacKing mi broTHEr...Um, hE diDn't LiKe it!

"HeY! do U tHinK we CAn aLl giT in HEre aT onCe?!"

"hI sHeRRy, i cAn't waIt 2 Meet U!"

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cavapoos-Four Weeks Old

Wow!  A whole month has gone by since this litter was born, or as we say in the dog world, whelped.

The babies are changing so much. This week we have moved mom and "the kids" into our puppy play pen. They are still in our living room; our living room is not very big, but there is a nice spot right next to our staircase for the puppy pen.  It is also close to the front door, so they're seeing and hearing lots of activity. This is all part of the socializing and training process which makes well rounded, healthy puppies!

The play pen has a nice bed for them, water and food dish for mom (the puppies have started to investigate the food dish, but haven't tried any yet), toys and the litter box area (which I've already seen them using!) The toys at this point are small human baby toys that I've picked up at our local second hand kids store, or things left over from mine. (Those are old!) As they get older, we'll introduce some more durable puppy/dog toys.

It's so cute to watch the puppies play and interact with each other. They go to the edge of the pen and sniff when the other adult dogs come over and they're barking and growling! They're getting more independent and mom is spending more time away. Poor girl needs a break!

Today we took a small video (which I'll try to get posted soon), more pictures, and the pups be getting their second toenail trim and dose of de-wormer.

Can't wait to see what this week brings!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cavapoos-Three Weeks Old!

Well, the babies are now three weeks old and we're seeing changes! Of course their eyes are wide open now. Today I saw one of them stand up on all four legs and wobble around, so they're going from crawling to walking! Granted they still eat and sleep a lot, but they are making little barking and growling noises...too cute! And they have puppy breath! Ok, some people think it's disgusting, but I like it. Their little toenails are very sharp and long, so today they got their first toenail trimming. The toenails are so tiny still that I just used human fingernail trimmers to just snip the tips off. They also got their first dose of deworming medication. We use two different kinds to cover a broad spectrum of parasites. The one we used today will be given once a week for three weeks in a row. This week we should see more activity from the pups and who knows, by the next post they may have been moved into the puppy play pen!

Black & tan female

Chocolate, brown, dark sable (not sure what to call this color) female

Black and tan male

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cavapoos-Two Weeks Old

I thought it would be fun to do a weekly update on our newest litter of Cavapoos. To give everyone a chance to see what happens each week with the puppies and what goes on around here. I'm a bit behind as the pups have already turned two weeks, but will try to update each week on or around their birthday.

At about two weeks we see a little sparkle and their eyes start to open. Also their ears are now open and they're hearing sounds. They have more then tripled their birth weight! They all started out around 5 ounces and now are each over a pound! Fat, little butterballs.
Like any baby, they mostly just sleep and eat at this point. Mom is with them all the time except for potty breaks and a bit of time to stretch her legs. They still live in a large crate in the living room between the wood stove and the couch (right next to where I sit to write this).

For the first ten days or so they are weighed daily, but now that they're two weeks old, we'll go to weighing them just once a week. But when the bedding is changed or mom's food and water are filled up each morning or just when I feel like it, I reach in the crate and grab a warm little body to love on and talked too. Of course the process is repeated three times so everyone gets some lovin'.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wipe your paws!

It was time for a new door mat and I found the perfect one (for us)!
Echo...can't get her to actually wipe her paws though!